Testimonials - Alison Pope
Find out more about Alison Pope and her experience of assisting parents of Special Educational Needs (SEN) children finding suitable education.
help and advice for parents of special needs children, SEN expert, find an SEN school, help finding the right SEN school, help and advice for parents of SEN children, Special Educational Needs children, SEN children, SEN education
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“I was told to thank you about finding me a school, but I didn’t even need to be told, I was writing this email even before I was told to. But it’s very true… I really do need to thank you so much for helping me get into my new school because even from 3 days in there I really love it. I really hope you understand this is probably the first school I think I belong in. Finding friends in schools is/was one of my difficulties but in this school I didn’t even need to try… People came up to me and we just started talking  (but to be honest there’s no such thing as normal) and now I have lots of friends and 2 very good friends. So I really do thank so very much because I think I’m going to do very well here.”

Charlie 14yrs old

“Fantastic letter – incredibly consistent and exceptionally factual and straightforward.”

Parent negotiating with local authority

“I just wanted to write to say what a wonderful first week we have had at X;s new school  and I could not have done this without you!”

Parent of child previously struggling to settle at school

“Thank you for taking the time to understand him. Thank you for taking the time to work out what he really needs and to help me to find evidence of this. Dreams really do come true with your help!”

Parent of child with SpLD and significant school anxiety

“Thanks for your help today, your input was invaluable. Happy to pay every penny…!”

Parent after Annual Review Meeting

“For the record I thought you were brilliant in the meeting! What teamwork. Thanks for everything.”

SENCO, after Team Around The Child Meeting

“Well, right back at you as I thought you were brilliant yesterday. You are so well informed and batted back everything they (LA) threw at us!”

Head Teacher after complicated EHCP meeting